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provides high quality services for global gamers

About Us

Here at CDkeysales.com, we specialise in providing you with the best digital codes for the newest PC games, including Steam Keys, Origin Keys, Uplay Keys, Battle.net Keys and other diffenrent digital download keys! Our price is unbeatable with instant delivery through our unique automated system, creating good service.

Our company has over 10 years of combined industry experience. We've taken our passion for kind of PC games and created a truly innovative service.

CDKeysales offer wide and varied selection of payment option, like , visa, paymentwall, bitcoins.

We provide 24/7/365 customer service;
All of our products are delivered digitally through our online system within 1 minute;
All orders before delivery,you can make a claim for refund anytime.
We usually reply to your all emails in 30 minutes.

We are proud to serve gamers all over the world and offer them in different currencies.

How to Get in Touch with us
You can contact our friendly team of staff via any of the methods below:
Email Support (fastest):
Customer service: service@cdkeysales.com
Live Chat (24/7/365 online)

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New users register get 22% discount CKSS for software products

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BliskoWitamy w cdkeysales Zarejestruj się.

22% discount code: CKSS for all software products
  • Adres e-mail *(Used To Receive Key)

    Proszę wpisać prawidłowy email.

  • Hasło*

    6 do 16 liter, cyfr i znaków specjalnych.

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  • Imię* Nazwisko*

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    Zapisz się do ofert cdkeysales, newslettera konkursów.

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System jest zajęty. Poczekaj i spróbuj ponownie.

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